How does it work?

Once signed up, you get access to form where you can check up to 100 domains/submit. Once submitted, you are redirected to view results page. It might take a while to process all domains from the list.

What the result look like (photos below).

You can also download a csv file for manual check sorting/filtering.

Mass check of domains trust and spam metrics along with bunch of other metrics.

Click image to zoom in

How do we compute metrics?

We collect and aggregate data from 2 providers and add some our proprietary data

List of metrics you see in the result table:

  • Spam - moz spam. This metric is generated by AI trained on dataset of sanctioned by google websites. Basically means probability % for domain to get sanctioned by google. details
  • Trust - ratio of majestic trust flow and citation flow. details
  • Organic - based on compiled data from multiple sources, have less error rate when traffic gets higher
  • DA - moz da
  • Backlinks total - majestic
  • Backlinks domains - majestic
  • External Links Propensity - moz, Ratio of amount of external links to amount of website pages, from 0 to 1. Smaller - better

Demo Results:

Below you can see a table containing sample websites results we provide to our users

Check how it works

You can check one domain for free via form below:

Check how it works for free: